Dear readers,
I do not plan to use this blog, in general, for any other purpose but to describe my travels, but I want to dissuade all of you from flying with American Airlines. I was scheduled to fly from New Orleans to Bentonville today via the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, but, due to my first flight's having been delayed by an hour-and-a-half, I missed the last connection of the night to Bentonville (as did three other people; many other people must have missed connecting flights due to bad weather, as there is a whole army of them here). American Airlines is munificent enough not to offer accommodation to people who have missed flights through no fault of their own; not only that, they do not offer breakfast or dinner waivers or any shuttle services to nearby hotels for which one could choose to pay. If you miss a connecting flight at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport due to an earlier flight's being late, you are going to spend the night on a seat in one of the terminals, eating whatever it is that you happen to have with you. I urge you all never to fly with American Airlines and never to plan connecting flights in Dallas-Fort Worth on a Saturday, as they have severely-reduced services on Saturdays. I know that this particular message will not reach very many people, but I am going to spread it as far as I can in order to try to lower American Airlines' revenue. It is, admittedly, a lofty and unrealistic goal, but so was the American Civil Rights Movement. I have seen dozens of people stranded here tonight, and that is only in one of the five terminals of this execrable airport.
I do not plan to use this blog, in general, for any other purpose but to describe my travels, but I want to dissuade all of you from flying with American Airlines. I was scheduled to fly from New Orleans to Bentonville today via the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, but, due to my first flight's having been delayed by an hour-and-a-half, I missed the last connection of the night to Bentonville (as did three other people; many other people must have missed connecting flights due to bad weather, as there is a whole army of them here). American Airlines is munificent enough not to offer accommodation to people who have missed flights through no fault of their own; not only that, they do not offer breakfast or dinner waivers or any shuttle services to nearby hotels for which one could choose to pay. If you miss a connecting flight at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport due to an earlier flight's being late, you are going to spend the night on a seat in one of the terminals, eating whatever it is that you happen to have with you. I urge you all never to fly with American Airlines and never to plan connecting flights in Dallas-Fort Worth on a Saturday, as they have severely-reduced services on Saturdays. I know that this particular message will not reach very many people, but I am going to spread it as far as I can in order to try to lower American Airlines' revenue. It is, admittedly, a lofty and unrealistic goal, but so was the American Civil Rights Movement. I have seen dozens of people stranded here tonight, and that is only in one of the five terminals of this execrable airport.